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"Of course not, but that was a different time. There is no defense against this weapon. It will destabilize everything. There are people here who will see it as an unacceptable threat. I am certain it will lead to war if we do not act together, a war neither of us can win. Both our nations will be destroyed."

She waited. When he spoke again, there was resignation in his voice.

"There are elements here as well that would not hesitate to use such a device."

"So far, no one knows Ogorov has built this thing. I believe Adam wants us to work together because it is the only way my government can be certain the threat is eliminated."

"You mean your President."

"I have to tell Rice what Ogorov is planning. I know the President. He doesn't want another war, certainly not with Russia. He will not act against you if there is another way to ensure our security. I need your assurances. If I tell him my team is going in and will verify destruction of the weapon, he will wait and take no counter measures. He will prepare them, but he will not use them."

"You are putting me in a difficult position, Director."

"Once this weapon is operational, the entire world is hostage. Adam has told me that AEON sent up twelve satellites in the last year that can relay the beam back to earth. They form a targeting grid that covers the globe. Neither the White House or the Kremlin is safe."

"If Adam, whoever he is, is correct. What if this is disinformation?"

"The satellites are there, I have verified it. As can you. I remind you that Adam prevented a disaster for the Federation. Why would he mislead us?"

"There are always hidden agendas."

"Neither one of us is comfortable with him, I admit. But my gut says we have to trust him on this. We know Ogorov is part of AEON. The pyramid is there. It all adds up. Plus there's more."


Elizabeth told him about the Mafra Library. She told him about Mexico. She told him about Tesla's experiments with Telluric currents.

"All of that confirms Adam's information. Ogorov is building a design that uses the unlimited power of the earth's magnetic field. We believe he found something in Mexico to help him amplify that power and make Tesla's design work."

"What was it?"

"In Mexico? I don't know."

"Ogorov has powerful friends. I cannot move openly against him."

"Then we must move secretly. A small strike team, experienced. My people and yours. Nick and Korov work well together. What do you think?"

Rice was waiting to hear the outcome of this conversation. If Vysotsky didn't agree, things were going to get complicated in short order. Complicated and dangerous.

"All right," Vysotsky said. "But Korov will command the mission."


They talked until they had the outlines of an operational plan. The team would leave for Russia as soon as Vysotsky had made his preparations. They agreed on communication protocols between them and ended the conversation.

The team. She thought about Selena. No one else on the team spoke Russian. Damn it, why did she have to get herself shot?

Elizabeth felt guilty for the thought. It looked like Selena would recover. Her body would heal, but what about her mind? She'd almost died. How would she come back from that? And then there was Nick. Since Mexico he'd been even more taciturn than usual. Moody. Trouble between him and Selena could affect his judgement. Affect the team. How would he resolve it? How would Selena?

Elizabeth didn't know. If she could have read Selena's mind at that moment, she would have realized that Selena didn't know either.

Part Three


Korov looked inside the small box Vysotsky handed him. It contained shoulder boards with the two stars of a Lieutenant Colonel, a significant promotion, difficult to gain.

"Thank you, sir."

"You earned it, Arkady. You've done well with the Americans. They will be part of a new mission and you will be in command."

Vysotsky passed several photographs across his desk. They were taken from a distance with a telephoto lens. The pictures showed a large, distinctive shape, camouflaged to fool aerial observers.

"This is what the traitor Ogorov has been constructing. It is located on the Siberian plain, near Irtysh."

"A pyramid? Why?"

"It is a design of Nikola Tesla. You know who Tesla was?"

Korov nodded. "Of course."

"The pyramid powers one of Tesla's inventions, a weapon that projects an unstoppable, destructive beam."

"Why here? There is nothing here, only a village and an old base."

"Tesla's design draws upon the earth for its power. The pyramid is near the juncture of the Ob and the Irtysh rivers. It has been explained to me that there are strong earth currents at this location. It is isolated, difficult to attack except with missiles. There are anti-aircraft defenses. Bombers would be intercepted long before they reached their target."

"It could be attacked on the ground."

"Exactly. But that would require an invasion or an internal force."

Korov saw what was coming. "You want me to penetrate this installation. With the Americans."

Vysotsky opened his desk drawer and took out the vodka and glasses he always kept there.


"We could be shot for treason."

"We could." Vysotsky poured the drinks. "But we will not be shot. Not if you succeed."

He watched Korov closely. It was one thing to send him on a mission with the Americans to Texas or Italy. It was another to attack an objective within his own country. He poured the vodka.

"Na Zdrov'nya," he said. They downed the liquor. Vysotsky poured another.

"You will remember that AEON was behind the Demeter operation."

Korov knew all about AEON.

"Ogorov is not working for the Motherland. He is working for AEON and his own advancement. He is very close to using this weapon. If he succeeds, it will draw us into war with the United States."

"He can't believe we could beat them!" Korov was shocked. "What is the target?"

"The Americans are about to launch a new spy satellite, more advanced than the others they have. It is a major upgrade to their systems. I think that is the target."

"This weapon could reach it? It does not use missiles?"

"It could reach it." Korov shrugged. "Perhaps Ogorov thinks the United States will not know how their satellite was destroyed. There is no hope of that. We must stop Ogorov and gain this weapon for the Motherland. Then Russia will have a powerful bargaining tool with the West. It will be like the end of the Great Patriotic War, when atomic weapons made them supreme. Now it is our turn."

Korov finished his vodka. "You do not wish to destroy it."

"Of course not. I wish to control it."

"The American Project team may not agree."

"That is a problem you will solve, if it arises."

He poured another drink. They raised their glasses.

"To the Motherland," Vysotsky said.


Nick sat by Selena's bed in Bethesda. The doctors were ready to discharge her for outpatient treatment. The numbness was almost gone, but she couldn't begin workouts any time soon. The surgery was healing. The doctors said there was a possibility of permanent damage, but the prognosis was good. She'd be almost normal in a year, they said. She was determined to make it sooner.

"We need to talk," he said.

"Yes. We do."

"Harker is sending the team to Russia. We're going to take a look at what AEON is building over there."