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Рейтинг: 4.33
Язык: болгарский
Год: 2015
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Без грешки. Без следи. Безупречен. Неуловим.И Робърт Хънтър трябва да го спре.Убиецът е методичен, търпелив и много дисциплиниран. Добре...
The Executioner

The Executioner

Серия: Robert Hunter #2
Язык: английский
Год: 2010
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Inside a Los Angeles church, on the altar steps, lies the blood-soaked, decapitated body of a priest. Carefully positioned, legs stretched out, arms crossed over the chest, the most horrifying thing of all is that the priest's head has been replaced...
I Am Death

I Am Death

Серия: Robert Hunter #7
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
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Seven days after she had been abducted, the body of a twenty-year-old woman is found on a green patch of grass by the Los Angeles International Airport. She has been left with her limbs stretched out and spread apart, placing her in a five-point...


Язык: болгарский
Год: 2022
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Първо ще познаеш СТРАХА… После ще почувстваш БОЛКАТА… Накрая ще срещнеш СМЪРТТА. — През всичките си години в полицията,...
The Caller

The Caller

Серия: Robert Hunter #8
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
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After a tough week, Tanya Kaitlin is looking forward to a relaxing night in, but as she steps out of her shower, she hears her phone ring. The video call request comes from her best friend, Karen Ward. Tanya takes the call and the nightmare begins. ...
Gallery of the Dead

Gallery of the Dead

Серия: Robert Hunter #9
Язык: английский
Год: 2018
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That’s what a LAPD Lieutenant tells Detectives Hunter and Garcia of the Ultra Violent Crimes Unit as they arrive at one of the most shocking crime scenes they have ever attended. In a completely unexpected turn of events, the detectives find...