Amber Alert [calibre 0.9.11]

Amber Alert [calibre 0.9.11]
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Автор: Allan Tanya
Язык: английский
Добавил: Admin 17 Июл 19
Проверил: Admin 17 Июл 19
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It is the end of WW2, and the British Government investigated the use of paranormal powers as an instrument of espionage and counter-espionage, as did the other major powers.When Churchill heard that the Russians had ‘liberated’ certain German doctors and scientists who had been using human guinea pigs in a death camp, he urged the British team to attempt to achieve the impossible, at least to be able to match the new enemy’s progress.As history relates, no one really succeeded, and all research funding dried up as the threat of super-brains receded when the cold war settled down to a Mexican Standoff. But when two of the gifted British team died in a car crash, no one thought of their child, conceived when both parents were under the influence of an enzyme that enhanced his parents’ mental powers for a very short time.Andrew Masters is more than gifted, he is truly unique, but his powers could prove to be either a threat or a blessing. But for Andrew, his powers are secondary to his personal problem – either to be the son of his parents, or the girl of his dreams. Andrew has the ability to transform dreams into reality – thus Amber takes her first tentative steps in the real world, while poor Andrew is forgotten.The world is a very lonely place when one is so different, but all things can be turned to one’s advantage. Helped by a wonderful woman who is as lonely as she, Amber finds her powers to become someone else come in very handy as she grows to adulthood and she finds a niche in which she can fulfill her potential during the Cold War.The world will never be quite the same again.### About the AuthorTanya Allan is the pen-name of a prolific writer of various works, including novels, short stories and poetry. Her transgender work is familiar to many who also worked out that perhaps life would have been easier had they been born with a body and mind of the same Gender. Her other - non-TG work has also been published, but under a different name.Tanya is now settled in the southern half of the United Kingdom (sometimes known as England). Born and educated in Scotland, and having experienced over a half century of life, in a myriad of guises, mostly involved keeping the realm safe and secure from enemies, both domestic and foreign, Tanya has a more sedate life now, concentrating on grandchildren, dogs, travel and writing.

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