Extra Special Agent [calibre 1.11.0]

Extra Special Agent [calibre 1.11.0]
Боевая фантастика, Любовно-фантастические романы
Автор: Allan Tanya
Язык: английский
Год: 2013
Добавил: Admin 9 Июл 18
Проверил: Admin 9 Июл 18
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The DEA has a problem. Luis Mendoza, one of the leaders of a notorious Colombian drug cartel, uses a small island in the middle of nowhere as a staging post in his supply route bringing cocaine out of South America and into the United States.The island is impenetrable, several experienced agents have already died trying.With state-of the art defences and a small army on the island, paid informers within many law enforcement agencies and police departments, and an exceptionally sharp lawyer, there does not appear to be a chink in Luis' armour.Except perhaps one.Luis has a girlfriend, a German girl called Nadia. She is allowed to leave the island whenever she wants to, often taking the plane to Florida to visit friends. Strangely, she holds a legal Guatemalan passport, as no passport was ever issued to her by the German authorities.However, Nadia likes the fast life, and one day it catches up with her. She dies at the wheel of a sports car in Florida, and guess what?Nadia isn't a girl at all.Meet Michelle, a girl with a special quality. Apart from being a professional stage performer, she is also illegally in the USA. the authorities recognise her for what she is and offer her a proposition that she can't refuse.The question is, will the cost be too great for her?

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