After the first flowering of the Terran Empire, which has grown increasingly decadent and corrupt, other civilizations in the galaxy threaten to take over the Terran's worlds. In this scenario steps the debonair, tough and pessimistic Dominic...
The planet Ishtar has three suns: Bel, the “real” sun, the Life Giver. Ea, the Companion who warms the Ishtaran summers. Anu, the Demon Star. Mostly Anu is so far away that it is just a light in the Ishtaran sky. But once every thousand years it...
A collection of three Flandry tales:
• The Game of Glory: Captain Flandry follows a dying man's clue to the watery provincial world of Nyanza, where a rebellion against the Empire may be brewing.
• A Message in Secret: Flandry ventures...
If we allow irreplaceable wilderness areas to disappear, the quality of life in the future will be seriously diminished. Perhaps we’re living in the last Golden Age right now; if so, imagine how nostalgic and envious future generations may feel...