Hari Seldon kieruje z powodzeniem Projektem Psychohistorii na Uniwersytecie Streelinga, a jednocześnie, po zniknięciu R. Daneela Olivawa, zostaje nieoczekiwanie Pierwszym Ministrem. Dzieląc czas miedzy badania nad psychohistorią...
At last, the costly and bitter war between the two Foundations has come to an end. The scientists of the First Foundation have proved victorious; and now they return to Hari Seldon’s long-established plan to build a new Empire on the ruins of the...
Contro la stupidaggine, neanche gli Dei possono nulla. Questo pessimistico giudizio che Friedrich von Schiller pronunciò nel 1802 è all’origine del più felice evento dell’anno fantascientifico 1972: il ritorno di Isaac Asimov al...
A férfi ott ült a szobában, egyedül, a világtól elzárva.
Odakint csak a csillagok ragyogtak. Közöttük az az egy is a maga kis bolygórendszerével. Tisztán látta lelki szemeivel,...
These two renowned writers have invented a world not unlike our own—a world on the edge of chaos, torn between the madness of religious fanaticism and the stubborn denial of scientists. Only a handful of people on the planet Lagash are prepared...