Los agentes del servicio secreto aliado quedaron muy sorprendidos cuando vieron al hombre acercarse a ellos desde la zona soviética.
Uno de sus brazos era de metal. Y donde la cabeza debiera haber estado, había una cúpula de...
El científico Ed Hawks ha creado el transmisor de materia, una máquina increíblemente poderosa que puede enviar a un hombre a la Luna al tiempo que crea un duplicado suyo aquí en la Tierra. Pero todos los voluntarios que son...
Martino was a very important scientist, working on something called the K-88. But the K-88 exploded in his face, and he was dragged across the Soviet border. There he stayed for months. When they finally gave him back, the Soviets had given him a...
Il pavimento del mondo è increspato come il fondale di un oceano. Il sole al tramonto inchiostra d’ombra violetta ogni increspatura. Le dune riempiono il mondo fino agli orli. E su questo pianeta che non è la Terra, un uomo insegue...
The eponymous protagonist, Laurent Michaelmas, is an ex-hacker who had, early
in the computer era, left back doors in many key pieces of software which run
vital government & commercial computers. As a result, by the turn of...
From Robert Silverberg’s “Earthmen and Strangers” anthology, 1966:
When we meet the aliens, how will we communicate with them? A standard piece of s-f equipment is generally offered as the answer: the “thought-converter.” Most writers are...