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Абсолютная память [Memory Man-ru][litres]
Другие детективы, Триллер

Абсолютная память [Memory Man-ru][litres]

Серия: Амос Декер #1
Язык: русский
Год: 2017
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Страшный удар по голове оборвал спортивную карьеру Амоса Декера — и он же пробудил в нем уникальную способность к абсолютной памяти....
Wish You Well

Wish You Well

Язык: английский
Год: 2000
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Precocious 12-year-old Louisa Mae Cardinal lives in the hectic New York City of 1940 with her family. Then tragedy strikes--and Lou and her younger brother, Oz, must go with their invalid mother to live on their great- grandmother's farm in the...
Simply Lies

Simply Lies

Язык: английский
Год: 2023
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A street detective turned cyber-investigator Following a disastrous divorce, former New Jersey detective Mickey Gibson is now employed by global investigation company ProEye to track down some of the extremely wealthy who seem bent on not paying...