Džeims Greiems Balards
Nogrimusī pasaule
21.gadsimtā izmaiņas Saules starojumā ir izraisījušas polāro ledāju izkušanu un ūdens līmeņa celšanos. Uz Zemes ir kļuvis siltāk, un civilizācija ir pārcelusies aiz polārajiem...
Never before published in America—J. G. Ballard's capstone novel, a thriller that envisions the collapse of our consumerist culture.
A violent novel filled with insidious twists, Kingdom Come follows the exploits of Richard Pearson, a rebellious,...
'Miracles of Life' opens and closes in Shanghai, the city where J.G.Ballard was born, and where he spent the most of the Second World War interned with his family in a Japanese concentration camp. In the intervening chapters Ballard creates a...