Porównywana z „Imperium słońca” szokująca wizja naszego świata i ludzi wkraczających w wiek XXI.
Mała rewolucja jest tak skromna i grzeczna, że początkowo prawie nikt jej nie zauważa. Ale...
'Miracles of Life' opens and closes in Shanghai, the city where J.G.Ballard was born, and where he spent the most of the Second World War interned with his family in a Japanese concentration camp. In the intervening chapters Ballard creates a...
'Miracles of Life' opens and closes in Shanghai, the city where J.G.Ballard was born, and where he spent the most of the Second World War interned with his family in a Japanese concentration camp. In the intervening chapters Ballard creates a...
Džeims Greiems Balards
Nogrimusī pasaule
21.gadsimtā izmaiņas Saules starojumā ir izraisījušas polāro ledāju izkušanu un ūdens līmeņa celšanos. Uz Zemes ir kļuvis siltāk, un civilizācija ir pārcelusies aiz polārajiem...
"Where to start? So much has been written about the Pangbourne massacre, as it is now known in the popular press throughout the world, that I find it difficult to see this tragic event with a clear eye."
Shortly after eight on the morning of June...
Super-Cannes – a Sunday Times bestseller in hardback – was the winner of the 2001 Commonwealth Writers Prize for the Eurasian region.
'Sublime: an elegant, elaborate trap of a novel, which reads as a companion piece to Cocaine Nights but takes...