Carved in Bone

Carved in Bone
Другие детективы
Серия: Body Farm #1
Язык: английский
Год: 2006
Издатель: HarperCollins
ISBN: 9780061804885
Добавил: Admin 21 Окт 13
Проверил: Admin 21 Окт 13
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There is a patch of ground in Tennessee dedicated to the science of death, where human remains lie exposed to be studied for their secrets. The real-life scientist who founded the "Body Farm" has broken cold cases and revolutionized forensics… and now he spins an astonishing tale inspired by his own experiences.
Renowned anthropologist Dr. Bill Brockton has spent his career surrounded by death at the Body Farm. Now he's being called upon to help solve a baffling puzzle in a remote mountain community. The mummified corpse of a young woman dead for thirty years has been discovered in a cave, the body bizarrely preserved and transformed by the environment's unique chemistry. But Brockton's investigation is threatening to open old wounds among an insular people who won't forget or forgive. And a long-buried secret prematurely exposed could inflame Brockton's own guilt-and the dangerous hostility of bitter enemies determined to see him fail… by any means necessary.
With Fascinating Insider Information on the Body Farm!

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