The Breaking Point

The Breaking Point
Другие детективы
Серия: Body Farm #9
Язык: английский
Год: 2015
Издатель: HarperCollins
ISBN: 9780062262356
Добавил: Admin 1 Июл 15
Проверил: Admin 1 Июл 15
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Past, present, and future collide to throw respected forensic anthropologist Bill Brockton’s successful, secure life into devastating turmoil in this poignant novel in the New York Times bestselling Body Farm mystery series

It’s been ten years since Dr. Bill Brockton created the Body Farm — the world’s first postmortem research facility dedicated to advancing the frontiers of forensic science — and the researcher is at the pinnacle of his career. Under his leadership, the University of Tennessee’s forensic anthropology program has become the most prominent in the world, and Brockton’s skills and knowledge are in high demand among top law enforcement. Calling him in for a number of high profile cases, the FBI now wants him to identify the charred remains of a maverick millionaire, killed in a fiery plane crash.
But a storm is about to hit Brockton with cataclysmic force. First, his identification of the crash victim is called into question. Then he receives a threatening message from the serial killer who attempted to murder the scientist and his family a decade ago. And from Brockton’s beloved wife Kathleen — his lodestone and his source of security — he gets the most shocking news of all. Will Brockton be able to weather this deluge… or has he finally reached the breaking point?

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