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The Scent of Death

The Scent of Death

Серия: Dr David Hunter #6
Язык: английский
Год: 2019
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It’s been a good summer for forensics expert Dr David Hunter. His relationship is going well and he’s in demand again as a police consultant. Life is good. Then a call comes from an old associate: a body has been found, and she’d like...
The Restless Dead

The Restless Dead

Серия: Dr David Hunter #5
Язык: английский
Год: 2017
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‘Composed of over sixty per cent water itself, a human body isn’t naturally buoyant. It will float only for as long as there is air in its lungs, before gradually sinking to the bottom as the air seeps out. If the water is very cold or deep, it...
Кървави белези

Кървави белези

Язык: болгарский
Год: 2014
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Майсторът на трилъра се завръща с история, която сграбчва. Като челюстите на капан! „Трябва да се махна от колата… Да избягам далеч от...
шепотът на мъртвите

шепотът на мъртвите

Язык: болгарский
Год: 2012
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Учител по испански, барабанист, разследващ журналист - Саймън Бекет е черпил житейски опит от различни сфери на живота, преди да приеме...
Owning Jacob - SA

Owning Jacob - SA

Язык: английский
Год: 1998
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Ben is devastated by the sudden death of his wife, and her son, Jacob, is a joy to him despite his autism. But while cleaning out his wife’s cupboards, Ben finds proof that Jacob was never her child. Horrified, he sets out to find Jacob’s real...
Fine Lines
Триллер, Эротика

Fine Lines

Язык: английский
Год: 1994
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A wealthy, slightly sinister London art dealer develops a voyeuristic obsession with his assistant, Anna, and hires an amoral male model to seduce her while he watches from behind a screen — but his impulses lead to nasty surprises — including...
Stone Bruises

Stone Bruises

Язык: английский
Год: 2014
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‘Somebody!’ I half-sob and then, more quietly, ‘Please.’ The words seem absorbed by the afternoon heat, lost amongst the trees. In their aftermath, the silence descends again. I know then that I’m not going anywhere… Sean is on the...