Messages from a far distant sun are received on Earth, causing chaos, as they are in English! A ship is sent twelve years to find the answers and find a secret so deadly it threatened all organic life...
The relationships between generations can change dramatically as time goes on—especially when the generations are very different and time extends to the far future and...
Pasak legendų, neatmenamais laikais žmonijos lopšį Žemę užpuolė mechai, sielą turintys mechaniniai robotai, ir išžudė beveik visus žmones. Tik saujelei laimingųjų...
Die Zukunft. Erstmals seit Menschengedenken soll ein Raumschiff unser Sonnensystem verlassen und einen benachbarten Stern erforschen. Doch im interstellaren Raum macht die Crew der SunSeeker eine unglaubliche Entdeckung: Ein künstliches,...
2019: NASA astronaut Nigel Walmsley is sent on a mission to intercept a rogue asteroid on a collision course with Earth. Ordered to destroy the comet, he discovers that it is actually the shell of a derelict space probe—a wreck with just enough...
Matt Bohles was content with the pleasures of low-g life in the Jovian Orbital Lab. Even if a young man did get to feel a bit squeezed, growing up in a tin can 600 million klicks from Mother Earth…
But the...
Ogni 76 anni ritorna uno dei più affascinanti e misteriosi visitatori che l’umanità ricordi: la Cometa di Halley. Il suo passaggio più recente è ancora fresco nella memoria, ma questo straordinario romanzo ci...
What if you could not only travel any location in the world, but to any possible world?
We can all imagine such “other worlds”—be they worlds just slightly different than our own or worlds full of magic and wonder—but it is only in...