The first ever collection of Iain Banks's short fiction, this volume includes the acclaimed novella, The State of the Art. This is a striking addition to the growing body of Culture lore, and adds definition and scale to the previous works by...
Enter — if you can bear it — the extraordinary private world of Frank, just sixteen, and unconventional, to say the least.
"Two years after I killed Blyth I murdered my young brother Paul, for quite different and more fundamental reasons...
A world that hangs suspended between triumph and catastrophe, between the dismantling of the Wall and the fall of the Twin Towers, frozen in the shadow of suicide terrorism and global financial collapse, such a world requires a firm hand and a...
Horza est un Métamorphe, un des derniers survivants de cette variété de l’espèce humaine qui peut modifier sa forme à sa guise. Et il est engagé dans une croisade personnelle contre la Culture.
Son combat, comme...
Cheradenine is an ex-"special circumstance" agent who had been raised to eminence by a woman named Diziet. Skaffen-Amtskaw, the drone, had saved her life and it believes Cheradenine to be a burnt-out case. But not even its machine intelligence...
Graham Park is in love. But Sara Ffitch is an enigma to him, a creature of almost perverse mystery. Steven Grout is paranoid - and with justice. He knows that They are out to get him. They are. Quiss, insecure in his fabulous if...
A little knowledge can be a very dangerous thing…
Innocent in the ways of the world, an ingénue when it comes to pop and fashion, the Elect of God of a small but committed Stirlingshire religious cult: Isis Whit is no ordinary...
W galaktyce szaleje straszliwa wojna. Zagłada dosięga księżyce, planety, orbitale, a nawet gwiazdy. Giną miliardy rozumnych istot. Idrianie walczą za wiarę. Kultura o moralne prawo do istnienia. Tam, gdzie...