In this novel Burroughs focuses on another a younger member of the family established by John Carter and Dejah Thoris, protagonists of the first three books in the series. The heroine this time is their daughter Tara, princess of Helium, whose...
Beginning with John Carter's return to Barsoom (Mars) after a ten year hiatus — separated from his wife Dejah Thoris, his unborn child, and the Red Martian people of the nation of Helium, whom he has adopted as his own — John Carter materializes...
Through the treason of a handful of men, contact between Earth and the Moon had become a nightmare. The world became the tool of the Lunarians, whose plundering and cruelty reduced thieving nations to poverty stricken wastelands.
The Moon Men is the...
Between 1932 and 1935 Edgar Rice Burroughs wrote seven murder mystery puzzles, featuring ERB's last series character to appear in book form: Police Inspector Muldoon and his trusted biographer and sidekick, Edgar Rice Burroughs. These puzzles...