The Girl in Room 105

The Girl in Room 105
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Год: 2018
Добавил: Admin 21 Дек 18
Проверил: Admin 21 Дек 18
Формат:  EPUB (1378 Kb)
  • Currently 0/5

Рейтинг: 0/5 (Всего голосов: 0)


Hi, I'm Keshav, and my life is screwed. I hate my job and my girlfriend left me. Ah, the beautiful Zara. Zara is from Kashmir. She is a Muslim. And did I tell you my family is a bit, well, traditional? Anyway, leave that.

Zara and I broke up four years ago. She moved on in life. I didn't. I drank every night to forget her. I called, messaged, and stalked her on social media. She just ignored me.

However, that night, on the eve of her birthday, Zara messaged me. She called me over, like old times, to her hostel room 105. I shouldn't have gone, but I did… and my life changed forever.

This is not a love story. It is an unlove story.

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