Pīters S. Bīgls
Pēdējais vienradzis
"Pēdējais vienradzis" (1968) ir apbūris dažāda vecuma lasītājus, un ar katru jaunu paaudzi iemīļotais Bigla romāns ieguvis arvien lielāku popularitāti un kļuvis par vienu no fantāzijas...
After moving with her mother to the English countryside, Jenny, a young American girl, begins to unravel a mystery on the grounds and uncovers evidence of another, hidden occupant of her new home -- a 300-year-old ghost named...
They were playing at time and magic, but time is tricky and magic is dangerous!
When Farrell returned to Avicenna after years away, he found his oldest friend Ben living with an unattractive older woman named Sia. Ben and Farrell’s...
True to tradition, The Last Unicorn is the story of a quest, the search by the unicorn — immortal, infinitely beautiful — for her lost fellows. Early on, she is joined by Schmendrick the Magician — a name pointing to the low comedy that...