Hell and Earth

Hell and Earth
Альтернативная история, Фэнтези
Серия: Promethean Age #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2008
Издатель: Roc Trade
ISBN: 0451462181, 9780451462183
Добавил: Admin 21 Апр 13
Проверил: Admin 21 Апр 13
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From the "talented" (Entertainment Weekly) award-winning author of Whiskey and Water and Blood and Iron. Kit Marley and William Shakespeare are playwrights in the service of Queen Elizabeth, employed by the Prometheus Club. Their words, infused with magic, empower Her Majesty's rule. But some of the Prometheans, comprised of England's most influential men and mages, conspire to usurp the Queen. Able to walk in both worlds, Kit seeks allies to aid him in his mission to protect Elizabeth only to encounter enemies, mortal and monster, who will stop at nothing to usher in a new age. But despite the might of his adversaries, Kit possesses more power than even he can possibly imagine.

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