Random Walk: A Novel for a New Age

Random Walk: A Novel for a New Age
Язык: английский
Год: 1988
Издатель: A Tor Book
ISBN: 978-0-312-93092-9
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 19 Ноя 21
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It begins in the Pacific Northwest, in Oregon. Guthrie looks around and decides to take a walk. He doesn't know how far he's going, he doesn't know where he's going. He doesn't take much with him, just a small backpack. A journey of any length begins with a single step and Guthrie takes it, facing east. Wonderful things happen as he walks: Sleeping in the open in the chilled air, Guthrie discovers that he is not cold. Tired, he finds he always has a place to sleep. And he begins to draw people to him: Jody, a young man who doesn't understand what is happening, but knows he must walk. Sara and her son Thom. She's blind, but sees better than the sighted. Mame, crippled by arthritis, leaves her walker by the roadside. The group grows and walks and heals. Also walking, but on another path, is Mark. Murderous Mark. When he joins the people, he discovers his role… and his punishment. The random walk: It never ends, it just changes; it is not the destination which matters, but the journey.

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