The following story is not a sequel. It is a direct continuation of the many books already posted in the “Ordinary Sex Life” series. This story assumes you know the primary characters from those stories. Familiarity with those stories IS a...
The following story is not a sequel. It is a direct continuation of the many books already posted in the “Ordinary Sex Life” series. This story assumes you know the primary characters from those stories. Familiarity with those stories IS a...
The continuation of An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life, Parts 1 & 2. Ben is finally at college with BOTH his girlfriend and best friend. Plus, he gets to experience all the other things college has to offer, like gorgeous roommates, classmates,...
The following story is not a sequel. It is a direct continuation of "An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life", "An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2", and "An Ordinary College Sex Life". This story assumes you know the primary characters from those stories....
The following story is not a sequel. It is a direct continuation of "An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life", "An Ordinary Teenage Sex Life 2", "An Ordinary College Sex Life", "An Ordinary College Sex Life 2", "OSL: Elyse", "OSL: Carter", and "OSL: Morris...
A teenage boy learning about love and sex with his cute classmates, gorgeous cheerleaders, friends at summer camp, a beautiful neighbor, and even his own...
Ben’s Senior year, learning to cope with the separation from his girlfriend and dealing with his attractions to the beautiful girls around him: sisters, classmates, cheerleaders, and...