Two hundred thousand feet up, things go horribly wrong. The experimental low-orbit spaceplane Astro falls to Earth over a trail hundreds of miles long. In the wake of this disaster is the beginning of the most important mission in the history of...
Cities became ovens. Grasslands became seas of flame. As the touch of dawn swept westward across the spinning planet Earth, its fiery finger killed everything in its path. Glaciers in Switzerland began to melt, floodwaters poured down on the...
Jamie Waterman discovered the cliff dwelling on Mars, and the fact that an intelligent race lived on the red planet sixty-five million years ago, only to be driven into extinction by the crash of a giant meteor. Now the exploration of Mars is itself...
2095. After long months of travel, the gigantic colony ship Goddard has at last made orbit around Saturn, carrying a population of more than of 10,000 dissidents, rebels, extremists, and visionaries seeking a new life. Among Goddard’s missions is...
A young woman approaches the Emperor of the Hundred Worlds with a plan to save Earth—through astrophysics and engineering—before the Sun explodes and wipes out the last genetically unaltered humans in the...