The Secret of Dr. Kildare

The Secret of Dr. Kildare
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Серия: Dr. Kildare #5
Язык: английский
Год: 2019
Издатель: Books on Demand
ISBN: 9783749455164
Добавил: Admin 29 Авг 23
Проверил: Admin 29 Авг 23
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HOURS later, and every hour like the weighty length of a day, Kildare was saying: "Next, please!" when Mary Lamont answered: "That's the end of the line for today."He shook his head at her impatiently. "There are twenty more people out there!" he declared."I've sent them away," she said."You sent them away?" exclaimed Kildare."I had orders from Doctor Gillespie.""But a Gillespie day never stops-it's from noon to noon," protested Kildare."He won't let you keep those hours," said the girl. "He gave me express orders that the line is not to keep pressing in at you day and night."Kildare dropped into a chair, unbuttoned his white jacket at the throat, and wiped away perspiration from around his eyes. Hospitals are always too hot. He merely said: "I suppose he's right. He's always right. I'd be a fool to try to imitate him. He goes in seven-league boots, and I'm only a measuring worm...I suppose he wants me in the laboratory."

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