Played out against the seething rivalry between Inquisition-torn Spain and Elizabethan England, The Lion Triumphant traces the linked fates of strong-willed Catherine Farland and Captain Jake Pennlyon. Called “The Lion,” Captain Jake Pennlyon is...
With the defeat of the Spanish Armada, gentle Linnet Pennlyon imagines her life will be both secure and peaceful. But her quiet beauty attracts the roving eye of Colum Casvellyn, the powerful lord of Castle Paling. When he seduces her, marriage is...
A young woman discovers she’s been living a lie and journeys to France, which teeters on the brink of revolution—only to find her destiny as a true daughter of England
Discovering that the man who raised her was not her birth father comes as a...
From the moment the handsome, raffish stranger with the gold earring throws her a kiss, Jessica Frenshaw is enchanted. Rumored to be a half-Spanish wanderer who can predict the future, Romany Jake is unjustly put on trial for murder. After the...
Lucinda Greenham When Lucinda Greenham and her impetuous friend Annabelinda Denver leave London for finishing school in Europe, neither imagines the trouble to come. It takes many forms: Anabelinda's secret affair; the child born out of wedlock; and...
Dorabella & Violetta Denver When happy-go-lucky Dorabella Denver marries Dermot Tregarland, a charismatic young Cornishman, her twin sister, Violetta, is haunted by premonitions of disaster. Her worries soon multiply, as rumors of blood feuds and...