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Beyond the Ice Limit
Морские приключения, Научная фантастика

Beyond the Ice Limit

Серия: Gideon Crew #4
Язык: английский
Год: 2016
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That thing is growing again. We must destroy it. The time to act is now... With these words begin Gideon Crew's latest, most dangerous, most high-stakes assignment yet. Failure will mean nothing short of the end of humankind on earth. Five...
Das Patent [de]

Das Patent [de]

Язык: русский
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So rasant wie eine Achterbahnfahrt. Der gigantische Freizeit- und Vergnügungspark Utopia ist ein Riesengeschäft. Elektronische Sensationen, Roboter und raffinierte Hologrammprojektionen ziehen die Besuchermassen an. Doch plötzlich...
Death Match

Death Match

Язык: английский
Год: 2004
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Lewis and Lindsay Thorpe were the perfect couple: young, attractive, and ideally matched. But the veil of perfection can mask many blemishes. When the Thorpes are found dead in their tasteful Flagstaff living room (having committed double...
Deep Storm

Deep Storm

Серия: Jeremy Logan #1
Язык: английский
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‘Deep Storm' is the most spectacular science research facility ever constructed. Lying deep beneath the Atlantic on the ocean floor, the heavily guarded structure has been designed for one purpose: to excavate a recently-discovered undersea site...