In California, the victims are blind. In Maine, severely retarded. Small towns across America are being systematically “wiped out” by terrorists and their campaign of germ warfare waged against the U.S. The President’s only option seems to be...
With the universe’s wormholes collapsed, darkness has fallen across interstellar civilization until Dr. Karl Woodward, commander of the starship The Mountain, ventures to an uncharted world and into a terrifying...
Druga księga epickiej tetralogii Jacka Chalkera opowiada o Qwin Zhang i o pokrytym wodami świecie planety Cerber, gdzie szansę przeżycia mają tylko jednostki najbardziej bezwzględne i pozbawione wszelkich...
Cerberus is the water world of the Warden system. In its dense jungles only the most ruthless survive. If Qwin, the Federation’s finest operative is to survive and take over the mind of it’s evil lord, he must exchange his body for that of a man...
They took the body of Park Lacoch, put in it the mind of a top confederacy operator and then stuck him aboard a spaceship bound for Charon—one of the worlds of the Warden Diamond, a hell-world from which there was no...
Wzięli ciało Parka Lacocha, usunęli jego umysł, zastępując go umysłem najlepszego agenta Konfederacji. Następnie umieścili go na statku kosmicznym i zesłali na Charona — jeden ze Światów...
Die Zeit arbeitet gegen Nathan Brazil und Mavra Chang. Der Riß im Raum-Kontinuum kommt der Sechseck-Welt immer näher.Sie müssen den Schacht der Seelen schnell erreichen — und bevor Kopfgeldjäger die Prämie für einen...
Wer war Nathan Brazil — und was machte er in der Sechseck-Welt?
Gebaut von den Markoviern, einer ausgestorbenen Rasse, wurden in der Sechseck-Welt Lebewesen aller Art in andere Lebewesen verwandelt. Und auch Raumschiffkapitän Brazil erlebte...
NSA agent Ron Moosic is assigned to a nuclear power plant - a cover for a secret project sending observers back in time. When terrorists take it over and send two of their own back to change the past, Moosic is sent in pursuit. But they are all...
This tale, a continuation of the science fantasy series by the author of the “Well World” saga, describes a world slowly recovering from a battle between titanic forces of good and...