Reluctantly His

Reluctantly His
Любовно-фантастические романы, Эротика
Автор: Chenery Marisa
Серия: Wolves of East Anglia #3
Язык: английский
Год: 2011
Добавил: Admin 21 Янв 14
Проверил: Admin 21 Янв 14
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When Nika had emigrated from California to Norwich, England to run a pub with her then British-born boyfriend, she'd never expected him to leave her for another woman when the going got rough. Now gun shy when it comes to men, she's sworn them off for a while. Until a hunky man comes to the pub one night and asks if she's on the menu. Not ready to start a new relationship, she fights her attraction for him. Garrick knows Nika is his mate when her scent stirs his wolf. Having never really cared if he found his mate or not, now that he's found her, he wants her as his. Trying to tell her he is an immortal werewolf warrior is something he wants to put off until she gets to know him better. But Nika forces his hand when she tells him to reveal his secrets or lose her. But telling her the truth may cause him to lose her anyway.

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