The direct sequel to "Cyteen", Regenesis continues the story of Ariane Emory, Personal Replicate, the genetic clone of one of the greatest scientists humanity has ever produced, and of her search for the murderer of her progenitor-the original...
Version 1.0 – Kelzan. Please update version number before posting corrected version.
The story follows two young friends trapped in an endless nightmare of suspicion and surveillance, of cyber-programmed servants and a ruling class with...
Loki is a mercenary ship and bounty hunter. Bet Yeager is a killer elite Earth Company Marine whose side lost. Now she is forced to escape aboard Loki, surrounded by enemies and hunting her old comrades. And the fighting skills she must use to...
In the wake of civil war, Bren Cameron, the brilliant human diplomat of the alien atevi civilization, has left the capital and sought refuge at his country estate, Najida. But now he is trapped inside Najida—which has been surrounded by...
Six months after the return of the alien atevi to the human colony it had placed there two centuries earlier, the rise of a polarizing political faction threatens to send the fledgling planet into war, and three people become a society's only...
The first book in C.J.Cherryh's eponymous series, Foreigner begins an epic tale of the survivors of a lost spacecraft who crash-land on a planet inhabited by a hostile, sentient alien race.From its beginnings as a human-alien story of first...
A Rusalka—the spirit of a maiden drowned by accident or force—will return as a ghost to haunt the river and woods where she met her death. The locale for this fantasy by SF writer Cherryh (Downbelow Station) is pre-Christian Russia. Two young...