Albert Rosen is one of five explorers who vanished on a deep-sea expedition into the Bermuda Triangle. He returns to earth centuries later, transported across space and time through a mysterious wormhole. However, Earth is not the home he...
The kingdom of Leodia in chaos after their beloved king's murder. Disgraced knight Marcellus Admorran is missing, while rumors run wild of a dark rider that stalks the night. As the land is smothered by winter, Nyori Sharlin tries to protect...
In a world where history has become myth, legend returns in sinister fashion. When a malevolent race of powerful beings reveals their existence, humanity must suffer the consequences.
An immortal lord risks everything to cure his people of their...
When a freak storm engulfs a flourmill, the workers learn quickly that there is much more to fear than just heavy rain.
Something else arrives with the storm — macabre creatures that alter their shapes and features with every attack. In order...
Steve Dupree lost his wife. He may also be losing his mind.
Horror strikes close to home for the unorthodox crime reporter. Despite his best efforts, no clues are to found about his wife's mysterious disappearance. His spiral into depression...
Soldier. Mercenary. Vigilante. Hero.
All Jett Thorne wanted to do was survive the end of the world. Placed in hibernation for over three centuries, he awakens to a country he no longer knows in Neo York, a city that thrives on corruption and...
After the Cataclysm nearly wiped out humanity, the remnants of mankind survived in Havens: city-sized constructs built to reboot society and usher in a new age of mankind.
This is a world where an indecisive young man can witness the end of all...
A ragtag bounty hunter adventure in the vein of Cowboy Bebop and Guardians of the Galaxy!
When a rogue military general holds an entire Haven captive and a rescue mission is downright suicidal, you don't call in the Armed Services. You call in...
Blade Runner meets Bogart in this blend of science fiction and film noir grit that continues the adventures of Mick Trubble: the hard-drinking, chain-smoking, wry-witted private eye of the future.
Mick has little time to digest the revelations...
Peter Pan mythology is given a dystopian kick in this exciting new tale featuring Mick Trubble, a Troubleshooter in the futuristic city of New Haven.
Mick reluctantly takes on a missing child case, which takes a bewildering turn as he encounters...