The narrator is an unnamed eight-year-old girl who hates hunting, particularly from the neighbouring Gregg family. She tries to talk the Greggs out of it, but either they laugh at her, or they ignore her completely. The girl possesses an ability...
Mr Hoppy is a very shy old man who lives alone in an apartment building. For many years, he has been secretly in love with Mrs Silver, a woman who lives below him.[2] Mr Hoppy frequently leans over his balcony and exchanges polite conversation with...
While 8-year old George's parents, Mr and Mrs Kranky, are away running errands, his maternal grandma bosses him around and scares him by saying that she likes to eat insects and believes that she is a witch. George decides to make a magic...
In a small Buckinghamshire village, Matilda is a six-year-old girl of unusual precocity, but she is often ill-treated or neglected by her parents. In retaliation, she resorts to pranks such as gluing her father's hat to his head, hiding a friend's...
The story takes place in Africa where an enormous, greedy crocodile is telling a smaller crocodile that he is going to eat children for his lunch. The smaller crocodile objects, because children taste "nasty and bitter" in his opinion compared to...
HIS FIRST NOVEL FOR GROWNUPSFrom that most dramatically dual of literary personalities, writing not in his classic “Chocolate Factory” incarnation but as the devilish Dahl of Kiss Kiss and Switch Bitch — here is the ultimate adult...