Castle Kidnapped

Castle Kidnapped
Юмористическая фантастика
Серия: Castle #3
Язык: английский
Год: 1989
Город: New York
Добавил: Admin 16 Авг 12
Проверил: Admin 16 Авг 12
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Castle Perilous is a magic castle full of mystery and adventure, but sometimes even magic castles can go awry. This particular castle has the power to send its guests to 144,000 alternate worlds, each a fantastic voyage to the unknown. But each voyage seems to backfire. Computer whiz kid Jeremy is stuck on a planet of golf-playing dinosaurs. Gentrified Gene finds himself on a planet overrun with amazon women where the queen has taken a particular shine to him and only the Lord of the Castle Incarnadine can stop this witty madness from shaking Castle Kidnapped to its foundations.

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