Thank you for reading this fun introduction to the next direction of the Cryo Crisis series. If you haven’t read book 1-10 yet in the first iteration of the series, check them out as they are short spicy fun times.
I do have a party time day job, currently, and a toddler, so I do my best. I deeply appreciate all the encouragement I’ve gotten in the form of emails and facebook. If I don’t reply to you for sometime, that is because I’ve gotten overwhelmed and shut down off of the interwebs for sometime so that I can focus on things like chickens and trees and hippy happy shit like that. Sometimes a walk in the woods is way more important than anything else, especially when my little baby loves smelling the flowers. (She goes ‘ooo, smell’ whenever she sees a new flower.)
Комментарии к книге "Taken by the Beast"