Based on thousands of pages of typed and handwritten notes, journal entries, letters, and story sketches, The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick is the magnificent and imaginative final work of an author who dedicated his life to questioning the nature...
"Exhibit Piece" is a 1954 science fiction short story by American writer Philip K. Dick. The story is an early exploration of the concept of shifting realities, so common in the writer's fiction later on. The protagonist is a future historian of the...
On October 11 the television star Jason Taverner is so famous that 30 million viewers eagerly watch his prime-time show. On October 12 Jason Taverner is not a has-been but a never-was—a man who has lost not only his audience but all proof of his...
In 1952, a young Philip K. Dick wrote one of his first novels: Gather Yourselves Together. He’d already had success selling numerous SF short stories, but this was a serious, mainstream novel—a steamy, claustrophobic tale of two men and a woman...
Philip K. Dick, In Milton Lumky Territory, written 1958-59, first published 1985.
Bruce Stevens is a young buyer for a big discount house when he meets the recently divorced Susan Faine. She suggests that he might like to manage her ailing...
In questo romanzo di fantascienza, considerato uno dei più autentici classici della science fiction americana, Philip K. Dick ci descrive il quadro di come potrebbe essere un mondo in cui il nazismo avesse vinto la guerra mondiale. Parlare di...
« Barefoot tient ses séminaires sur sa péniche à Sausalito. Cela coûte cent dollars pour comprendre les raisons de notre présence sur cette terre. On vous offre aussi un sandwich, mais je n’avais pas faim ce jour-là. John Lennon venait de...