Throughout humanity's Fourteen Worlds, no group is as feared and respected as the Dorsai. The ultimate warriors, they are known for their deadly rages, and ferocious independence… and unbending honor. No one man rules the Dorsai, but their...
Suppose that elves, gremlins, and leprechauns are really tiny aliens marooned on Earth for hundreds of years. They want to go home, and human technology finally can make it possible—if they can get aboard NASA’s Mars rocket and hijack it! Pity...
The voracious and merciless Horde roved the galaxies, stripping whole star systems of all life. As they advance on the Milky Way, a galaxy-wide force is hastily arrayed to stop them. But Miles Vander, the warrior sent by Earth to join the...
La Terra è stata conquistata dagli alieni, ma i terrestri non si danno per vinti, e ben presto nasce un movimento di resistenza. Il racconto è ambientato in Italia, e ci rivela che anche nel futuro l’aeroporto di Milano sarà spesso...
Questa è una delle nostre storie preferite in assoluto (non solo di questo volume, ma di tutta la letteratura fantascientifica). È l’unico racconto sulle invasioni della Terra da parte di una razza aliena che troverete in questo libro,...
There are many legends on the planet of the Dorsai, the breeding ground for heroes. Here are two of them.
Lost Dorsai: The New Dorsai Companion contains the Hugo Award winning novella, Lost Dorsai, and Dickson's classic short story...
The machine that controlled all life wouldn't tolerate any interference. People who refused to be regulated had to be disposed of - isolated, driven insane, murdered. A small group of men had dedicated themselves to fighting this Frankenstein of...
On the sixteen colonized worlds, mankind had changed, evolved into something that was slightly more than human...and slightly less. Men of War on the Dorsai worlds, men of Faith on the Friendly Worlds of Harmony and Association, men of Science, the...
Dickson's vast Childe Cycle ( Soldier , Ask Not , The Final Encyclopedia ) is taken one further step with this story of a conceptual breakthrough by the Dorsai mercenary and philosopher Hal Mayne. The action is slim here as a frustrated Mayne,...