It rises out of the cobalt sea like a dream: shimmering white peaks and fog-shrouded icebergs; blazing slabs of ice and vistas of windswept snow… The year is 1938. As the world hurtles toward war, Antarctica is an empty frontier. But for one man and one woman, it's the place for a different kind of battle. Owen Hart is a Montana cowboy turned cold-weather bush pilot, a flyer recruited by Germany's fanatical new government. Greta Heinz is a biologist trapped in a loveless liaison with an SS officer. Far from the gathering storms of war in Europe, they are caught up in a scientific expedition and a quest to conquer Antarctica. But here, under the ice, a deadly discovery awaits, as Owen and Greta journey not only into the untouched depths of a frozen landscape, but into untold regions of courage and terror.
Комментарии к книге "Ice Reich"