A psychological thriller focusing on a young paranoid schizophrenic who escapes from a New England mental hospital in pursuit of a high-school teacher who testified at his murder trial, carrying with him a secret that will tear many lives apart...
Berlín 1936: Un matón de la mafia es contratado para asesinar al lugarterniente de Hitler
El protagonista de esta historia es Paul Schumann, un matón de la mafia de Nueva York, conocido por su sangre fría y su...
For years, Frederick Lowell has quietly managed the estate of the revered novelist Edward Goodwin. Though the author of only one novel, that book has gone on to sell hundreds of millions of copies, keeping Lowell comfortable, as well as Goodwin’s...
When the FBI comes to Lincoln Rhyme with the news that a mysterious assassin is targeting him, the detective is not particularly concerned. With his long career putting away criminals, he is accustomed to threats on his life, and has designed his...
Asked to help attorney Mitchell Reece locate a stolen document that could cost him a multimillion-dollar case, paralegal Taylor Lockwood finds out what goes on behind closed doors at Hubbard, White...
Transgressions is an amazing collection of original crime novellas, compiled by Ed McBain, one of the most illustrious names in crime fiction.
This collection includes original stories from Jeffery Deaver, Joyce Carol Oates and Ed McBain...
En una escuela de música de Nueva York, el autor de un terrible asesinato se esfuma inexplicablemente de la habitación en la que la policía lo había acorralado…
Un nuevo caso del detective tetrapléjico Lincoln Rhyme,...
Allison Parker is on the run with her teenage daughter, Hannah, and Colter Shaw has been hired by her eccentric boss, entrepreneur Marty Harmon, to find and...