For seven decades, L. Sprague de Camp was a giant in both science fiction and fantasy, renowned for his fast-moving action-adventure tales with a strong humorous element. Now, Hugo-winner and best-selling author Harry Turtledove has gathered...
An intelligent, bloodthirsty alien-especially bred for killing – is on the loose in ancient Rome, and Lycon, the great beast hunter, must oppose it in a savage duel to the death....
Ingram "Los Angeles Daily News" calls "Patriots" "enormously entertaining", while "Kirkus Review" has high praise for the novel's "punchy action and realistic consequences". The rugged individualists who have settled the frontier planet of...
The Malwa and their evil have been driven back to their Indian heartland, but there they coil to strike again. Ruled by a monster from the future which is part computer and part demon, they prepare a fresh attack whose success will leave them rulers...
This appendix sketches in some of the salient points of the galaxy into which Honor was born… and which she, willingly or not, was to play a major part in changing...