As Gabriel Connor and his companion Enda scratch out a living among the more dangerous stars of The Verge, they stumble upon an astonishing revelation from out of the depths of...
Life’s already too busy for the little black wizard-cat Rhiow and the other cats of the New York City worldgating maintenance teams. The old, cramped Penn Station is being torn apart and relocated into its big new building, which means that the...
Rhiow seems a perfectly
ordinary New York City cat. Or
so her humans think -- but she is
much more than she appears.
With her partners Saash and
Urruah, she collaborates with human wizards to protect the
earth from dark forces and
maintain the...
In the future, computers rule the world. The Net Force was formed to protect America from any and all criminal activity on-line. But there is a group of teenage whiz kids who sometines know more about computers than their adult superiors. They...
Herewiss, Prince of the Brightwood, decides to search other worlds for the secret of controlling the Power of the Flame in order to save his friend, Freelorn, exiled Prince of...
Here comes a Clancy first: a new series of novels for young adults starring a team of troubleshooting teens — the Net Force Explorers — who know more about cutting edge technology than their...
Rest and relaxation--that's what
Nita thinks she's going to get
when she and her partner-
wizard Kit go on a wizardly
"cultural exchange" program.
But nothing about wizardry-- not even vacation--is ever quite