Cat In A Golden Garland [calibre 3.6.0]

Cat In A Golden Garland [calibre 3.6.0]
Другие детективы
Серия: Midnight Louie #8
Язык: английский
Год: 2014
Издатель: New York : FORGE
Добавил: Admin 15 Июл 19
Проверил: Admin 15 Июл 19
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That rough-and-tumble black tomcat Midnight Louie and his flame haired human companion Temple Barr are looking forward to a Christmas vacation spent in the Big Apple. But there's more than merriment to be found in New York City--there's a murder to be solved, and Louie's' on the move.

When an ad agency's head honcho dons his traditional Santa suit for a company party, Midnight Louie scents a murderous trap, and soon someone has put jolly old St. Nick into permanent deep freeze. Meanwhile, Louie's rival in romance is still trying to turn him into kitty litter, and Mystifying Max the Magician isn't about to let the holidays pass with making a surprise proposal that leave Temple breathless.

Can one little kitty apprehend the perpetrator, play Cupid, and make everyone's Christmas bright? If his name is Midnight Louie, anything is possible!

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