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Язык: английский
Год: 1983
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City stockbroker Alex Rocq leads a comfortable life, with a luxury flat in London, a country cottage, a very expensive car, and a lucrative job that still leaves time for leisure. But all this isn’t enough. After receiving a tip-off, Alex decides...
Casi Muerto

Casi Muerto

Язык: испанский
полная версия

Primera hora de la mañana. La llamada a casa del comisario Roy Grace para informar sobre el hallazgo del cadáver de una mujer en un macabro escenario desata en el sofocante agosto de Brighton un despliegue policial que se irá viendo...
Dead Tomorrow

Dead Tomorrow

Язык: английский
Год: 2009
полная версия

Lynn Barrett is a single mother, trying to cope with life after divorce. And her life becomes an even bigger nightmare when daughter Caitlin is diagnosed with terminal liver disease. She is put on the transplant waiting list, but there is a world...