A top-secret mission to launch a revolutionary Anglo-American missile axed by a budget-conscious government; a nuclear submarine carrying to a secret destination the scientist most concerned with its vindication, who happens to be the Vice-President of the United States; a combination of powerful forces intent on preventing the Vice-President arriving in time for the countdown; a British submarine ace who will stop at nothing to ensure the mission's success and who is none other than Geoffrey Peace, R.N., that memorable figure from A Twist of Sand; these are the ingredients of Geoffrey Jenkins's latest riveting thriller, set in the uncharted coral seas of the Indian Ocean, where the elements also play their unpredictable part.
Add to this magnificent sea story, set a few years from now, a twist of fate which suddenly makes the daring mission one of vital significance for the world, and you have the distinctive brand of adventure which Geoffrey Jenkins has made peculiarly his own.
Комментарии к книге "Hunter Killer"