The Look of Love

The Look of Love
Современная русская и зарубежная проза
Автор: Джио Сара
Год: 2014
Добавил: Admin 6 Окт 17
Проверил: Admin 6 Окт 17
Формат:  EPUB (598 Kb)
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Born during a Christmas blizzard, Jane Williams receives a rare gift: the ability to literally see true love. Jane has emerged from an ailing childhood a lonely, hopeless romantic when, on her twenty-ninth birthday, she receives a card from the midwife who delivered her. Jane must identify the six types of love before the full moon following her thirtieth birthday--or face grave consequences. When Jane falls for a science writer who doesn't believe in love, she fears that her fate is sealed.Inspired by the classic song, The Look of Love will utterly enchant you.

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