Ann discovers that the wood near her village is under the control of a Bannus, a machine that manipulates reality, placed there many years ago by powerful extraterrestrial beings called...
When a disagreeable man with two boys marries a widow with three children, family adjustments are complicated by two magic chemistry sets which cause strange things to happen around the...
A ghost, uncertain of her identity, watches the four Melford sisters hatch a plan to get their parents’ attention and slowly becomes aware of the danger from a supernatural power unleashed by the girls and their friends from the boys’ boarding...
Frank and Jess’s scheme to earn money by hiring themselves out as revenge seekers seems like a good one until they discover they are in competition with a...
While trying to get away from the tourists visiting the stately home where her parents are caretakers, Heather accidentally summons a mischievous 350-year-old youth with magical powers, and nothing is ever the same...