A notorious rake and spymaster, the Earl of Wycliff unexpectedly finds himself married to Brynn Caldwell, the beauty he encounters on a Cornish beach, but a centuries-old family curse, intrigue, treachery, and betrayal could separate them...
Having watched her mother languish away for a lost love, Raven Kendrick vows never to surrender her heart. But when her life erupts in scandal, she is forced to accept a marriage proposal from the wickedly sensuous owner of London's most...
To escape marriage to a despised man twice her age, Lady Aurora Demming makes a scandalous arrangement with Nicholas Sabine, a dangerously handsome American facing execution for murder and piracy. She agrees to become his wife for one day . . ....
When his younger sister Olivia is injured and her reputation destroyed during an illicit rendezvous, the rakish Lord Damien Sinclair sets out to avenge himself on the man responsible, Lord Aubrey Rutherford, but Aubrey's lovely sister, Vanessa,...
New York Times best-selling author Nicole Jordan spins a delectable tale of wit and sensuality in this delicious Regency romance, the captivating first in a dazzling new trilogy, The Courtship Wars.
Marcus Pierce, a strikingly...