Born of an American mother and a Japanese father, Rain is a businessman based in Tokyo, living a life of meticulously planned anonymity. Trained by the U.S. Special Forces and a veteran of Vietnam, he is a cool, self-contained loner—and he has...
If you had to kill three people to save your best friend's life, would you do it?
When John Rain decides to get out of the business, his hand is forced by rogue CIA operative Jim Hilger. Hilger kidnaps Dox, Rain's trusted partner and closest...
John Rain, de profesión asesino, está especializado en hacer trabajitos finos en los que sus víctimas parecen morir de forma natural. Aquel que le contrata sabe que es un hombre fiel a sus principios: trabaja en exclusiva; liquida...
John Rain is back. And "the most charismatic assassin since James Bond" (San Francisco Chronicle) is up against his most formidable enemy yet: the nexus of political, military, media, and corporate factions known only as the Oligarchy. When...
NSA director Theodore Anders has a simple goal: collect every phone call, email, and keystroke tapped on the Internet. He knows unlimited surveillance is the only way to keep America safe.
Evelyn Gallagher doesn’t care much about any of that....
For former Marine sniper Dox, a long-range hit in Cambodia was supposed to be just business as usual. But when you find yourself mixed up with rogue intelligence operations, gorgeous bar girls, and the world's worst human-trafficking heart of...
Even for an average citizen, a love triangle is dangerous business. For assassin John Rain — it's going to be downright deadly.
When John Rain, the Japanese/American "contract killer with a conscience," learns that his former lover,...
Barry Eisler has been compared to Forsyth, Ludlum, le Carré, Ian Fleming and Graham Green. But his latest thriller brings Eisler into a league of his own. When Japanese/American contract killer John Rain learns that his former lover, Midori,...
For Larison, a man off the grid and on the run, the Lost Coast seems like a perfect place to disappear for a while. But when three twisted locals decide Larison looks like an easy target, they unleash a vengeful and dangerous predator with a...