The Werewolf of Paris

The Werewolf of Paris
Автор: Эндор Гай
Год: 1933
Добавил: Admin 24 Ноя 17
Проверил: Admin 24 Ноя 17
Формат:  EPUB (474 Kb)
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In a work that strives to do for werewolves what Stoker's Dracula did for vampires, Endore's werewolf, an outcast named Bertrand Caillet, travels round seeking to calm the beast within. An episodic tale, the story wanders through 19th Century France and into hotspots like the Franco-Prussian war. Stunning in its sexual frankness and eerie, fog-enshrouded visions, this novel was decidedly influential for the generations of horror and science fiction authors who came after.

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