A struggling art student on a distant world, trapped in the middle of an intergalactic battle against a tyrannical empire, looks for his salvation in an immortal, immensely powerful spirit called The...
The craft was in trouble. And the alien entity known as NK-2 was headed for an unscheduled landing on a backwater planet named Earth. To make matters worse, his enemy had reached the ground before him, and by now was probably already hidden among...
In the land of Mazonia where magic is the province of women and men are considered no better than slaves, a young sorceress sets out to defeat a curse upon her family and becomes the catalyst for changing her world. Veteran fantasy authors Anthony...
Key to Survival is the fifth and concluding quarter-million word sexy ChroMagic fantasy novel. It features King Havoc, Queen Gale, and their four Glamor children as they tackle the invasion of the machines. The machines have destroyed one third of...
An age of darkness was descending upon the Empire. Soon there would be no food, no weapons and no honour--the laws of the nomads were forgotten in the struggle to survive.
Neq was the greatest of warriors. No man faced his sword without feeling...
While Colene, a girl from Earth, learns to fight back the suicidal tendencies that torment her, Darius, the man from another planet who won her love, takes her on a journey through multiple...
Sol controlled the mountain and Sos the Empire. Two worlds so completely different from each other that they could not exist together on the same planet. There had to be war...
Var was the chosen one. Half man, half animal, a mutant victim of...
The long awaited sequel to Pornucopia! "Picking up where Pornucopia left off, our hero Prior Gross receives word that his ideal woman, which he never knew existed, is in trouble! Off he goes to the Land of Fartingale where farts are magic! "A...