Enter the Enchanted

Enter the Enchanted
Серия: Everworld #3
Добавил: Admin 29 Июн 12
Проверил: Admin 29 Июн 12
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Jalil, April, David and Chris still haven't found Senna. They still haven't found their way out of Everworld. And — though they have managed to stay alive — things are starting to get worse. Because Jalil and the others are about to encounter one of the most powerful of Everworld inhabitants. He is called Merlin.

Merlin is the unseen force behind much of what happens in Everworld. And there is a good chance he knows where to find Senna. But he has his own agenda. And it doesn't necessarily include helping Jalil and the others. Now, they're about to discover what happens when you mess with Merlin...

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