Mārgareta Atvuda
Aklais slepkava
Mārgareta Atvuda (Margaret Atwood) ir dzimusi 1939, gadā Otavā. Gandrīz visu bērnību un jaunību viņa ir pavadījusi Ontario ziemeļos un Kvebekā, bet tagad dzīvo Toronto. Mārgareta Alvuda ir...
Cat’s Eye is the story of Elaine Risley, a controversial painter who returns to Toronto, the city of her youth, for a retrospective of her art. Engulfed by vivid images of the past, she reminisces about a trio of girls who initiated her into the...
This splendid volume of short fiction testifies to Margaret Atwood’s startlingly original voice, full of a rare intensity and exceptional intelligence. Each of the fourteen stories shimmers with feelings, each illuminates the interior landscape...
Margaret Atwood, una de los novelistas más prestigiosos de la narrativa mundial de hoy en día, plasma en El Año del Diluvio, su última novela, una visión postapocalíptica del mundo tras una catástrofe global. Como...
En el estado de Gilead las criadas forman un estrato social pensado para conservar la especie. Las mujeres fértiles que integran esta clase, y que destacan por el hábito rojo con que se cubren hasta las manos, desempeñan una...
It's got a thunderstorm in it. And revenge. Definitely revenge.
Felix is at the top of his game as artistic director of the Makeshiweg Theatre Festival. His productions have amazed and confounded. Now he's staging a Tempest like no other: not only...
Long ago, when they were all a lot younger, Zenia stole a man from each of them. Then she died. Now she’s come back. Or has she? There’s a lot more than one kind of ghost.
Margaret Atwood revisits her classic characters from The Robber...
A man-made plague has swept the earth, but a small group survives, along with the green-eyed Crakers — a gentle species bio-engineered to replace humans. Toby, onetime member of the Gods Gardeners and expert in mushrooms and bees, is still in love...
Margareta Atvuda
Oriksa un Kreiks
Margaretas Atvudas (UKW) aizraujoša romāna galvenais varonis dēvē sevi par Sniegavīru. Romāna sakumā viņš guļ koka zaros, ietinies vecā palagā, apraud savu mīļoto Oriksu un savu labāko draugu...