In the midst of an ongoing interplanetary war between human-colonized worlds and the hostile alien species known as the Deng, one planet chooses to rebel against the sentient BOLO war machines that serve as the primary line of defense against the...
In the early part of the 21st Century disaster struck -an experiment on an orbiting station went wrong -bad wrong. The Accident almost destroyed the universe, and ripples in time washed over the Earth. Like the plagues of an earlier millineum, Earth...
Kit Carson best time scout is retired now shadowing endangers his life, can get caught at same time and die. Gamine redhead Margo 16 wants him to teach her. Malcolm 30s guides her in Victorian England. Mistakes get worse, she runs away in Coliseum...
IT'S HARD TO KEEP A GOOD PSYCHOPATH DOWNTIME... And it's harder to figure which psychopath to fear most! Senator John Caddrick hires a professional assassin to murder his own daughter and threatens to destroy the whole time-touring industry....
Settle Back for a Hot One: IT'S RIPPING TIMEWhen terrorists gun down Jenna Caddrick's fiancee, the only daughter of Senator John Caddrick is trapped in a desperate struggle to stay alive. With a pack of killers on her trail, Jenna plunges through...